Fostering Sustainable Behavior

Tara Holmes

This past Friday, I attended a workshop lead by Dr. Doug McKenzie-Mohr entitled “An Introduction to Community-Based Social Marketing: Fostering Sustainable Behavior.”  As someone who’s personally very intrigued by the oftentimes overlooked (and dare I say critical) link between our everyday psychology and environmental sustainability, I was eager to attend. What I learned was both enlightening and somewhat anticipated.

In brief, humans, at least the populations Dr. McKenzie-Mohr has studied, tend to default to the easiest common denominator of behavior when it comes to environmentalism.  Of course, this isn’t to say there aren’t outlier personalities who go above and beyond the “green” call, but overall, unless regulated to do so, or cajoled by neighbors or friends, most people will resort to the path of least resistance. Knowing this intrinsic behavior trend, Dr. McKenzie-Mohr was able to extrapolate on how to best create systems whereby these same individuals could easily do their part to create a more sustainable, healthy and balanced planet.

One interesting example is recycling.  Initially in the 1980s, recycling was seen as a confusing burden to the majority of consumers.  Today however, many people view recycling as commonplace and most US cities have recycling facilities in operation.  Now, to what extent these materials actually are recycled is another policy issue altogether (Cambridge has historically recycled at a rate of 35% and now with added single-stream recycling, that’s expected to increase by 10-25% in recycling tons). Even so, the mere act of recycling, sorting out plastic from paper and glass from cardboard is today viewed as a commonplace action that requires little thought.  So, how did this behavior change happen?  Interestingly, Dr. McKenzie-Mohr cites community influence and social norms coupled with municipality engagement.  If a person sees their neighbors, family members or friends recycling, they may begin to question their own behavior and adapt accordingly.

Energy efficiency and green energy demand is another example.  Today, consumers have a multitude of product options from CFLs via utility rebates to energy-saving Energy Star appliances, but, as Dr. McKenzie-Mohr pointed out, there remains a disconnect between awareness of the the product’s existence, where to get the rebate for said product and product installation. These barriers may seem trivial, but they can lead to significant impacts, both environmentally and programmatically.  During the workshop, Dr. McKenzie-Mohr cited an example of a user who purchased a low-flow shower head only to have it sit in a drawer due to installation confusion.  It’s thereby key to not only increase awareness of energy efficiency products, but to educate the consumer on proper follow through behavior and maintenance resources to ensure the true benefit of the product is achieved.

In brief, sustainable behavior impediments can be boiled down to the following barriers: commitment, affordability, convenience, and incentives. The Cambridge Energy Alliance, like many local and national energy efficiency organizations, strives to reach consumers and the community via outreach and education and aims to address each of the mentioned barriers, which is a key first step. The critical next step is up to the consumer: application and follow through.  Only then do they – and the planet – reap the true benefits of increased sustainable behavior.

Energy Star Rating Standards to Tighten

Energy Star Logo

The Environmental Protection Agency recently announced updates to its Energy Star Rating requirements on televisions and cable boxes. The revisions are the first in a list of about 20 products that will receive updates to their Energy Star Rating requirements this year.

Currently, Energy Star rated televisions hold at least 70% of the Market Share. The stricter standards mean, according to the EPA, “substantial overall energy bill reduction, and carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions reductions.”

The new standards are requiring a 40% reduction in watt usage. For example, a 60 inch television currently averages about 282 watts, but the come September the same 60 inch TV will be required to use less than 108 watts to receive an Energy Star Rating. Talk about saving a watt!

In its announcement, the EPA states that if all U.S. homes had Energy Star rated TVs and cable boxes under these new requirements, savings would reach $5 billion a year and reduce annual greenhouse gas emissions equal to that of taking over 700 million cars off the road.

Ultimate Greening Your Home Seminar

Residents of Cambridge, MA were introduced to a new opportunity on February 8th, 2011. Energy efficiency is on the minds of renters, condominium owners, and homeowners alike as the environmental, financial, and physical benefits become more prominently appreciated. Usually when energy efficiency information is available, it is more general and further discussion with specific professionals is suggested, since the process of making home energy efficiency improvements is tailored to unique home and ownership characteristics and often entails several detailed levels of complexity. On February 8th, those professionals were brought together in one place for an evening of sequential enlightenment for curious attendees, with an added bonus of networking amongst their industry peers and less-assumed partners, Green real estate agents.

When the Cambridge Energy Alliance and Coldwell Banker Agents Amy Tighe and Robin Miller designed this new collaborative seminar, their focus was on approaching one seemingly under-served demographic: condominium owners and associations. [This group will, luckily, begin to be served more as the NSTAR 5+ unit (“Multifamily”) energy assessment program rolls out.] That said, this successful design would clearly be valuable to other demographics (e.g. home owners) in addition to condominium owners/associations.

Beginning with the simplest in-home steps and leading to discussion of assessments, retrofits, and financing of projects, Sustainable Life Solutions, Next Step Living Inc., S & H Construction, CPCU Credit Union, CEA, Robin, and Amy engaged enthusiastic condo owners and association representatives in energy efficiency learning in a way that simply made sense. Speakers explained each of their areas of expertise thoroughly in their limited time, intermittently questions were asked and answered comprehensively, sometimes by the several professionals that were in the room, and when presentations were through, meaningful inquiry-fueled conversation rounded out the evening. A happy closeout to the seminar was the drawing of the raffle winner, who took home a wonderful green-living package that was generously donated by Whole Foods.

The results of this innovative event were remarkable: A valuable seminar was put together by unprecedented collaborators in a replicable format; speakers were able to answer significant questions jointly, and see how they might work together effectively in the future; seminar attendees were able to walk out with a mental arsenal of energy efficiency tools, feeling utterly aware of a previously mysterious process, with proper contacts in hand, and ready to share with their peers. This type of event is unquestionably beneficial for all involved, so watch out for announcements of the next installment in months to come!

Dreaming of a Green Christmas Tree?


Debating on whether or not to get a real or fake Christmas tree this year?  Well, if you haven’t already, then think twice: a recent article by the New York Times reported that unless you keep your fake tree for 20 years or more, it’s more environmentally conscientious to purchase a real tree. It sounds counterintuitive – aren’t Christmas tree farms agriculturally damaging and don’t we need more trees intact to act as carbon sinks? Turns out, it might not be that clear cut.

Using calculations that included greenhouse gas emissions, use of resources and human health impacts, a Montreal-based environmental consulting firm found that the annual carbon emissions associated with using a real tree every year were one-third of those created by an artificial tree over a standard six-year lifespan. Additionally, fake trees often contain polyvinyl chloride, or PVC, which produces carcinogens during manufacturing and disposal. “The natural tree is a better option,” said Jean-Sebastien Trudel, founder of the firm, Ellipsos, that released the independent study last year.

Most fake trees found in Target or Walmart are produced in China, adding further transportation and manufacturing cost to the environment. Nonetheless, many American consumers continue to believe that reusing the same tree year after year is a better, more environmentally sound option. “You’re [actually] not doing any harm by cutting down a Christmas tree,” said Clint Springer, a botanist and professor of biology at Saint Joseph’s University in Philadelphia. “A lot of people think artificial is better because you’re preserving the life of a tree. But in this case, you’ve got a crop that’s being raised for that purpose.”

Americans have many consumer options this Christmas. It can be daunting to make the best choice for the environment while immersed in wrapping paper, plastic bags and shopping malls, but remember to think twice about getting the fake tree and instead opt for the real, local Christmas tree this year.  Oh, and they smell better too!

Green Medford: Reverse Trick or Treat Bewitches Columbus School Neighborhood

What would you do if your doorbell rang on Halloween and instead of saying “trick or treat!” your visitors handed you a new, curly-cue light bulb (or two)? This year’s Halloween saw an event that was a brand new take on the usual compact fluorescent light bulb canvasses that the CEA hosts.  We are thrilled to see that this creative event went off without a hitch, and that it has set a great precedent for following years!

Please see below for the post featured on the Green Medford blog:

A group of us from Green Medford and Fletcher Green (a Tufts graduate student group) trolled the streets around the Columbus School last night–Halloween evening–handing out bags of treats to delighted and laughing residents at 84 addresses. People who answered their doors expecting to give out candy were instead handed a bag containing two new energy-efficient lights. Event participant “Sherlock Holmes” noted, “It was gratifying to see how surprised and happy this made people.”

One resident told us, “This is such a great idea! We recently switched all of our bulbs to CFLs and are saving $60 a month.” She turned to her neighbor and said, “You have to take some. This is amazing!”

We gave out more than 180 CFLs that were donated by National Grid and the Tufts Office of Community Relations. The First Annual Medford Reverse Trick or Treat exceeded our expectations, and we are already looking forward to expanding on our success with a bigger event next year!

Thanks so much to all the sponsors and others who helped organize this event, especially JR Siegel, Allie Lipps, Becky Hemperly, Kim Wardwell, Catherine Smith, Alicia Hunt, Brad Steele of EFI, and Barbara Rubel at the Tufts Office of Community Relations.

Susan Altman
Green Medford

Whitehouse Goes Solar!

Under mounting pressure from 10-10-10 groups,’s Bill McKibben, and various other environmental activists, the Obama Administration announced today that it will re-install solar panels on the White House roof. After weeks of rallying support for the Solar Road Trip including over 40,000 signatures by citizens who urged the President to retrofit the White House, Bill McKibben,, Unity College students, and the 40,000+ who were following the event were ultimately disappointed; previous coverage. The White House refused to take the Carter-era solar panel which was removed when Regan took office, and has since been living in Maine. however, the administration promised that they would “continue deliberative processes” surrounding solar on their roof. Since that day, not much has been mentioned on this topic by McKibben, other than that the President of the Maldives will be installing solar panels.

While the White House was not able to accomodate the symbolism of re-installing the solar panel that once resided on the President’s roof during the Carter administration, this morning great news was announced by the Associated Press, they will go forward and install new panels.

The most famous residence in America, which has already boosted its green credentials by planting a garden, plans to install solar panels atop the White House’s living quarters. The solar panels are to be installed by spring 2011, and will heat water for the first family and supply some electricity.

The plans will be formally announced later Tuesday by White House Council on Environmental Quality Chairwoman Nancy Sutley and Energy Secretary Steven Chu.

Obama’s decision, whether purely political or not, represents his Administration’s increased need to demonstrate support for renewable energy alternatives, particularly after the failure to pass comprehensive climate legislation in the Senate this summer.

In a recent Rolling Stone article, Obama stated, “One of my top priorities next year is to have an energy policy that begins to address all facets of our overreliance on fossil fuels. We may end up having to do it in chunks, as opposed to some sort of comprehensive omnibus legislation. But we’re going to stay on this because it is good for our economy, it’s good for our national security, and, ultimately, it’s good for our environment.” In the wake of the tragic BP oil disaster and with mounting evidence of a returning conservative agenda given mid-term elections, the Obama Administration will have to stand firm against the pull of those who do not consider climate change a top priority. By placing solar panels back on the roof of the White House, a symbolic move which should not be overlooked, the message is clear: Let’s not just talk the talk, let’s walk the walk.

This report also includes text from Tara Holmes

Report from a weatherization barnraising

My team leader, Torrey Wolff, was very patient with us.

On Saturday we went to our second weatherization barnraising, organized by HEET and the Cambridge Energy Alliance. Last time I learned to install programmable thermostats and Jason caulked windows at two apartment buildings. This time I installed Q-lon weatherstripping around doors and Jason insulated skylights at a daycare center. The end result? The blower door test showed a 50% reduction in leaks—the most HEET has ever measured.
Q-lon is foam weatherstripping in the shape of a V attached to a wooden or metal slat. The V expands to fill any open space between the doorjamb and the door—a lot like the V-channel weatherstripping that we use for our windows. When I found out about the Q-lon last time, I still didn’t know quite how to install it, so I was glad to get the chance. HEET actually has a really good tutorial that walks you through the basics. The most important part is making sure the foam isn’t too compressed or too slack. You do this by sliding a piece of paper between the weatherstripping and the (locked) door. If the paper doesn’t fall out when you let go, it’s tight enough. If it comes out when you pull on it, it’s loose enough.

I’m especially interested in this because the self-adhesive foam weatherstripping that we used last year compressed a lot. I don’t know how effective it is anymore. Since the Q-lon is installed on a different part of the doorjamb, we can keep the foam and just add this to it. It’s a much more permanent solution.

It does require some hacksawing, though, to cut the slats down to the size of your door. This may have been the first time I’ve ever used a hacksaw in my life, and I’m proud to say that I got the hang of it after just a couple of ragged edges.

Jason puts Tyvek over a skylight.

Jason got to use spray foam on the cracks around the skylights. This is only the second time he’s used it, and he picked up some tips. First, wear goggles and gloves, and hold something under the can so it won’t drip anywhere. That stuff never comes out. Second, shake it for a long time, then spray it into a trash can until you get a sense of how fast it comes out. It can expand like crazy. You can cut it down with a razor blade once it’s dry, but it’s easier to not have to. Make sure you have a lot of cracks to fill, though—once you start the can you can’t store it to use again later.

I’ve really enjoyed these weatherizations, and I’d definitely do another. I like the idea that the energy savings that the homeowners see will be multiplied by the skills the volunteers learn to use in our own homes. And it’s nice to meet like-minded neighbors (even the crazy ones).

Cross-posted on

Are you living in a hot air balloon?

Pittsfield Hot Air Balloon Rally - 2006 by Heartlover1717 Although double-hung windows are quite common in the Boston area, it seems many people do not take full advantage of their features. With proper use, windows can increase comfort, and all but eliminate the need for air conditioning; and on the odd days where lemonade and mind-over-matter won’t cut it, visit a local library or catch a movie.

How can you take full advantage of windows? If you have two, placing a fan in one to blow warm air out during the evening will pull cool air in the other, especially with a closed door. If you have only one window, a window fan with two fans blowing in opposite directions will also pull air through a space. These are rather obvious practices, but there is a no-cost technique particular to double-hung windows: opening the top sash.

IMG_1548 by dawniecakes If you have but one window, open both the top and bottom sash’s part-way. If you have two windows, you can open the top sash of one and the bottom sash of another. Using the top sash allows for a natural convection current to develop. Since warm air rises, it can more easily flow out of the top sash, while cooler air replaces it from the bottom. If you open only the bottom sash air above the window is caught in a bubble (like a hot air balloon), and will only cool down through dilution as the air in the top and bottom of the room slowly mix.

Storm windows can complicate the procedure of getting windows into the above configurations, but the problem is not insurmountable. You may also be concerned about bugs, since many double-hung windows only contain a single screen. Use the screen to cover the bottom opening. Since bugs naturally fly up to escape windows, any errant insects will be able to easily evacuate your home over the top sash.

Green Sells: Energy Upgrades Raise Home Value

Row of purple Monopoloy houses with a green house in the middle.The housing market, like the U.S. economy, is a mess. GDP growth dropped from 3.7% to 2.4% in the second quarter. In the housing market shrinking incomes and greater lender restrictions mean fewer qualified buyers are looking, which is driving down prices.

Here is the bottom line: if you want to sell your home without losing your shirt, you need an edge.

To find an edge, just look to the part of the economy that’s still growing – the green sector. In Massachusetts, major utility companies have stepped up energy efficiency investments this year with the goal of tripling enrollment in their programs. A recent report funded in part by the state department states that renewable energy use is at “a clear tipping point” for growth. Never before has it been more affordable to green your home.

Green home improvements enhance comfort, make homes more durable, save on monthly utility costs, and reduce pollution. One benefit that people don’t often think about is higher resale value. While your real estate agent may have asked you to add a fresh coat of paint, refinish your basement, or plant some flowers to spice things up, she probably hasn’t asked you to upgrade your insulation or qualify your home for ENERGY STAR.

A recent study published in The Appraisal Journal indicates that the market value of a home increases by $10 – $25 for every $1 decrease in annual fuel bills. An ENERGY STAR qualified 3,000 square foot new house can save around $800 per year (around $70/month) on utility bills compared to the standard new home. According to the report, this level of investment in improvements would add $8,000 to $25,000 to the market value. Energy savings and sale value benefits to existing homes are typically even higher because of the greater opportunity to upgrade energy performance. And unlike a new paint job, these investments will actually pay for themselves.

The financial benefits of energy improvements don’t stop at utility savings and higher market value. The New Homes with ENERGY STAR program provides an incentive of $750 to $8000 to homeowners, builders, realtors, or architects who meet standards that are 15-60% more energy efficient than a standard home, depending on the level you want to shoot for. Whoever applies to the program can earn the incentive.

Additions of at least 500 square feet can qualify for ENERGY STAR as well. To qualify, you need a third-party Home Energy Rating System (HERS) Rater to verify that the home is truly energy efficient. Total Green Energy Solution will do a HERS Rating for new homes or additions in Massachusetts at a price that is typically fully recouped with program incentives.

So, as you get ready to unload the biggest financial investment of your life, take the time to sell it right: go green first.

Home Star Dunner

colin, with the only gun the UN will allow him to have by sandwichgirl Alas, attention to the administration’s Home Star/Cash for Caulkers program has waxed and waned since it first appeared last fall, and this component of a stimulus package meant to address the nation’s energy issues, and aid the (then) ailing construction industry has languished in the shadows, until it finally passed the House in May. It may now be approaching approval in the Senate, edged on by the FHFA’s unfortunate decision to with withdraw support for PACE. treehugger contrasts Home Star with the perpetually paralyzed American Power Act, and The Construction Blog at Software Advice provides a thorough overview of the former bill’s proposed incentives.

UPDATE: FHFA’s decision is especially dubious since evidence exists that Energy Efficiency Helps Homeowners Avoid Foreclosure.