Energy Efficient also means Energy Safe

Have you noticed it’s been a little chilly recently? Here in Cambridge, the famous Charles River has frozen solid. At Warm Home Cool Planet headquarters, we seem to have spent the last two months with either an ice chipper or a snow shovel in our hands. Of course, there is also the monthly ‘surprise’ of our heating bill.

It’s big.

Anyone who hasn’t pulled in a Wall Street bonus this month might be tempted to try some ‘alternative’ heating methods in their home–leaving the oven door open or small space heater with the door closed–to save a few bucks. This clip from a TV station in Wisconsin (we hear it’s cold there too) reminds us why that could end up costing you so much more.

We also recommend this article from the Department of Energy on guidelines for safe use of portable space heaters.

From the Politics Desk… Right Wing Department

Our ‘friends’ over at American Daily have a unique theory about how to cut the deficit. Eliminate the Department of Energy. That’s right… eliminate.

Apparently, they believe Job#1 of the DOE is to eliminate the import of foreign oil.

According to the DOE’s Web site, however, their mission is as follows:

The Department of Energy’s overarching mission is to advance the national, economic, and energy security of the United States; to promote scientific and technological innovation in support of that mission; and to ensure the environmental cleanup of the national nuclear weapons complex.

You could certainly make the argument that lessening our reliance on oil from countries who may not have America’s best interests at heart is part of of this mission. But when the last Vice-President was known for issuing statements like “It’s our god-given right to drive around in SUVs.” It’s kind of hard for those on the right wing to argue they were helping us meet that goal. The whole ‘climate change is a myth’ thing hardly speaks to lessening our usage of carbon-based energy either.

Still, no matter what their motivation, whenever someone calls for greater accountability in how our tax dollars are spent, it’s hard for Warm Home Cool Planet to disagree. Everyone-government, business and individual citizens-needs to do their part in decreasing our use of non-renewable energy and embracing renewable energies and sustainable living habits.

Anyway, as they say at Fox News: “We report. You decide.”

Energy Prices Take a Breather

The drop in energy prices-at the pump and in the home-we saw in the last quarter of 2008 will likely stay with us through 2009 according to the US Department of Energy. Add that to the shaky economic outlook and that means  people will be less likely to undertake home repairs and improvements for the next 18 months.

Builders and handymen will be looking for work-and available. So there’s never been a better time to plan an energy efficient makeover for your house. Get it done before oil and gas prices start to rise in 2010.