NEW! Online Interactive Home makes Energy Efficiency an Easy DIY

One of the most exciting intern projects completed this summer is a new component of our website: an online Interactive Home.

Clicking on different household components will bring you to information about DIY energy saving projects and renewable energy guides. In the house you’ll find know-how to install just about every energy saving measure available from upgrading to solar lighting outdoors to sealing drafts. Check every section of your home –  including doorways, refrigerators, lamps, boiler rooms, laundry machines, and more!

For example, if you would like to learn about geothermal heat pumps, click on the image of red and blue lines buried underneath the home. Clicking will open up a new tab, with concise and helpful information including a general definition, two different types of systems (horizontal-closed loop and open loop), as well as guidance on how to finance a project with state and federal rebates.

Take a look through all of the projects you could tackle with the most visually engaging and interactive guide we’ve ever offered! If you have more questions about home energy improvements, contact our Energy Advisor.

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About JesseGorden

I grew up in New England, spending ample time outside and enjoying plentiful family trips to the White Mountains. These activities unquestionably altered my life forever, fostering a love for nature that led me sure-footedly in the direction of a great environmental passion. I graduated in May 2010 from the University of Connecticut, where I earned a degree in Environmental Sciences with a concentration in Natural Resources. Through several personal revelations and much reading, I have come to the conclusion that the most effective way to save our planet is to have as many people as possible care about it in some way shape or form; only then will we make such significant progress as to alter history. So my mission has become clear: educate everyone I can reach in my lifetime. Teach them the wonders of our world, why we need to protect it, and how we can do this, together. I am at CEA for the summer through an internship program with The Student Conservation Association.

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