Greening Living According to No Imapct Man

No Impact ManSpending three days in a meditation retreat center in western Massachusetts for labor day weekend reminded me how complex and busy my life has become in the hustle and bustle of Boston.  It is easy being green out in the woods, where you are not tempted by the daily conveniences of fancy coffees, take out foods, and the countless other goodies to consume at ones whim.  On a number of occasions I have lived in the countryside practicing permaculture and other eco-techniques like raising chickens, vermiculture, and biking as my sole mode of transportation.  While these options are available here in Boston, finding the time to fully practice being green is an incredible challenge.

Collin Beavan, also known as No Impact Man, decided to try living impact free for one year in Manhattan with his family and their story is being released on September 11th to raise awareness on how to live more sustainable lives.  The documentary trailer highlights some of the difficulties and rewards of living more sustainably and challenges individuals to look at what they eat, consume, drive, and all the other modern conveniences that have a collective impact on the planet.   For instance, Colin Beavan’s wife Michelle struggled with giving up her Starbuck coffee’s but ended up reversing her diabetes through adopting a healthy diet and walking 24 flights of stairs instead of taking the elevator.  The family initially mourned the loss of their television and other conveniences but ended up finding more quality time for each other.  Check out No Imapct Man’s tips on how to live green and the savings they made over the course of their project.

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About LGlick

Lilah was was the Global Warming/Clean Energy Outreach Coordinator for Clean Water Action’s Boston office where she advocated for climate and energy policy in the commonwealth and worked in local communities to promote renewable energy and energy efficiency solutions. Prior to serving as a clean energy advocate, she worked as a Development Associate for a non profit Internet Service Provider to promote low income/ rural access to wireless services. She also served for two years as a Peace Corps volunteer in Nicaragua as a small business coordinator and as an Americorps Community Organizer for the city and school district of Falls City, Oregon.

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