Green Your Marketing! Workshop Review

Thanks to Emily Kanter at the Sustainable Business Leader Program & CEA‘s Lilah Glick, a group of Cambridge’s small business leaders were able to come together for a Green Marketing workshop on June 17th, led by Leah Bloom, the media-proclaimed “green business guru.”

Ms. Bloom is a business “communications expert with a particular interest in sustainability. She has experience in both nonprofit communications and corporate social responsibility.” For this workshop, as the title above suggests, the focus was on how to effectively use the green movement to a business’s advantage, and not get caught up in the riptide of “greenwashing.”

Ms. Bloom made the point that the Green movement is not likely to go away any time soon, so adaptation and taking advantage is in the best interest of businessmen and women.  It’s particularly important to start “greening” your marketing sooner than later because of wait associated with measurable benefits.

Leah Bloom’s Top 10 Green Marketing Tips:

  1. Don’t hide your (compact fluorescent or LED) light under a bushel.
  2. It’s okay to start small.
  3. Be consistent with your existing brand
  4. Use clear, simple language.
  5. Honesty is the best policy.
  6. Be a green resource.
  7. Use cross-channel marketing.
  8. New media is green media.
  9. Be creative.
  10. Don’t worry if you don’t see an immediate concrete return on investment.
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About JesseGorden

I grew up in New England, spending ample time outside and enjoying plentiful family trips to the White Mountains. These activities unquestionably altered my life forever, fostering a love for nature that led me sure-footedly in the direction of a great environmental passion. I graduated in May 2010 from the University of Connecticut, where I earned a degree in Environmental Sciences with a concentration in Natural Resources. Through several personal revelations and much reading, I have come to the conclusion that the most effective way to save our planet is to have as many people as possible care about it in some way shape or form; only then will we make such significant progress as to alter history. So my mission has become clear: educate everyone I can reach in my lifetime. Teach them the wonders of our world, why we need to protect it, and how we can do this, together. I am at CEA for the summer through an internship program with The Student Conservation Association.

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