Green Communities Eligible for Grants

Hopkington "Green Communities" Announcement by Office of Governor PatrickThe newest beneficiaries from the “green” energy policies of Massachusetts will be comprised of cities which have already taken steps in limiting their carbon emissions through alternative energy solutions. Yesterday, Governor Deval Patrick visited the city of Hopkinton, which has taken major advancements towards solar energy development with a cutting-edge 325 kilowatt solar panel system, unveiled last year. During his trip, the governor met with Linda Donahue of the Housing Authority, and promised to support green-energy efforts throughout the state with a portion of the 7 million dollars designated for green energy spending from RGGI and other sources; §10b. Under the new system, nearly 36 cities and towns will receive the state’s “Green Community” designation, including Newton, Sudbury, and Natick. To qualify for the grants, cities must submit paperwork corresponding with five major criteria:

  • Adopt zoning that allows the construction of renewable energy projects in certain areas without special permission.
  • Establish an expedited permitting process for those projects.
  • Set a baseline for municipal energy and reduce use 20 percent within five years.
  • Only purchase fuel-efficient municipal cars and trucks when available and practical, with exemptions for public safety.
  • Change building codes to require a 20 percent increase in energy efficiency for new commercial construction and new homes larger than 3,000 square feet.

In additional to grant eligibility, each Green Community will receive a solar waste compacter, a design that uses the sun’s energy to compress trash, increasing the amount that is able to fit in the can, reducing garbage truck trips. The gifts are intended for use at municipal beaches and parks. Patrick and state leaders have acknowledged that supporting energy efficiency should be an integral part of the state’s energy policy.

Also see who’s in the running.

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