Tips on Shutting Down Your Home for Winter Holiday Travel

Here are some easy but important tips to help you keep costs down, reduce your environmental impact, and keep the pipes from freezing while you are away this winter.

1. Set your thermostat between 52 and 55 degrees Fahrenheit. Anything lower and you could endanger your pipes when temperatures are freezing. Anything higher and you are wasting energy!

2. If you live in a single family home or condominium, you can also turn down your water heater or put it into vacation mode. There is no need to heat water to hot temperatures when no one is going to be using it.

3. Use all of your window defenses—make sure windows are closed and latched, and close curtains and blinds to help keep the cold from getting in. If you have a particularly drafty window, you can improvise temporary insulation treatments, such as pinning a wool blanket to cover the window—since you’ll be away, this is a case of function over form.

4. Mind the gaps. If you have a fireplace, make sure the damper is closed. Insulate or seal cracks or gaps in your walls that let in drafts. Here is a DIY Guide. You can also sign up for a home energy assessment to get free air sealing. In a pinch, use door snakes or rolled up blankets to cover drafty spots (just make sure you aren’t covering a vent).

5. Need to leave a light on or using a light timer? Make sure the bulb is an energy-efficient LED or CFL.

6. Unplug anything that doesn’t absolutely need to be plugged in. Many of your electronics use energy even when they are turned off. Switch off powerstrips and unplug appliances while you are gone. By the way, smart powerstrips (available with a utility discount at can help you eliminate standby power all the time, not just when you’re away.

7. Give a friend a spare key. If there is a storm expected, have the friend stop in before and after to to make sure everything is in good order at your place, and to address any problems as soon as possible. You can thank them with a bottle of wine and a smart powerstrip!

Have creative ideas for reducing energy costs while away? We’d love to hear them—share them in the comments section.

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