Slimming Down in the New Year

Rainbow by Ian Britton People make all kinds of New Years resolutions: eating better, exercising more, quitting bad habits. But what about resolutions that will help you to save money and also help preserve our planet for future generations?

Many people around the world are pledging to cut their energy use and slim down their carbon footprint in 2010. In the United Kingdom, the 10:10 Campaign is asking people to reduce their carbon footprint by 10% in the 2010. The campaign has already achieved some remarkable successes with over 55,000 people taking the pledge as well as many organizations and governmental entities.

Here at the Cambridge Energy Alliance, we’d like you to consider your own carbon footprint and think about changes you can make in your life to slim down the carbon emissions from your lifestyle. To that end, we have a new tool available for you: Smarter Cambridge. It can help you identify areas of waste and suggest a variety of means to save water and energy while reducing your utility bills. The tool is open to anyone in Greater Boston, so feel free to tell your friends as well.

As always, please feel free to contact us if you have more questions or would like some assistance making your carbon reduction resolution a reality in the new year.

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