Rain, rain…and more rain.

MCCALL MAGAZINE COVER, GIRL IN RAIN by George Eastman House The greater Boston metropolitan area is expected to receive another 3 inches of rain from the current storm system. This is on top of the 8-10 inches of rain that fell a little over one week ago which caused extensive flooding in cities like Waltham and Quincy. The Boston Globe reported today that during the last deluge, the Massachusetts Water Resources Authority released 15 million gallons of raw sewage into Boston Harbor due to system overload. The Agency reported it hopes to not have to resort to similar action this time around, but is leery if the rain continues into the morning. On average, Boston receives about 4 inches of precipitation in the month of March (daily records); which was satisfied by last week’s storm. While one cannot unequivocally link climate change to any exceptional weather patterns, one cannot rule out the possibility either; climate change is said to increase storm intensity, particularly around coastal regions.

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About Tara Holmes

Tara lives in San Francisco (but hails from Massachusetts). She is passionate about environmental conservation and increasing public awareness of environmental issues. Tara received a BA from Connecticut College and an MPA with a concentration in environmental policy from The Maxwell School of Syracuse University. She tends to focus on politics and business, but also touches on behavior. Tara has worked at the World Resources Institute, the MA Department of Energy Resources and spent summer 2010 working on UN-REDD research and policy in Paris, France for ONF International. She is currently involved with SF Environment, Friends of the Urban Forest and sits on the Board of Directors for Randall Museum Friends in San Francisco. She enjoys being outdoors as much as possible! Twitter: @tmhol. Personal Blog: http://taraholmes.wordpress.com/ In addition to the posts listed by clicking her username above, she also contributed to the post Whitehouse goes solar!

2 thoughts on “Rain, rain…and more rain.

  1. I recently a read an opinion piece about framing of global warming in Scientific American’s blog. Although I don’t agree with the author entirely, he made an interesting point that the linking of weather events to climate change by “believers” allows “skeptics” who do not grasp/appreciate/accept the notion of increased system energy and chaos to more easily point to “freak weather” such as the Mid-Atlantic snow storms as evidence against global warming.

    As we all know, weather is a very fickle thing, and integrating the notions of more randomness and severity into one’s expectations is not easy. Fortunately, we live in a densely populated region where a number of research centers are based and therefore have the benefit of reports such as Confronting Climate Change in the U.S Northeast: Science, Impacts, and Solutions. SciAm reports that several government agencies are cooperating to explore regional climate change models, as opposed to the global models traditionally used.

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