About clothilde

Living in Cambridge since january 2010, Clothilde worked for a European Union Program in France as the Project coordinator, called LEADER. This program supports innovative and sustainable local rural development projects. It aims to improve quality of life and economic prosperity. Very interested in energy efficiency topics, she decided to contribute with the Cambridge Energy Alliance.

CEA brainstorms with Indonesian delegates

Indonesian Leaders at CEA

This morning, March 25, CEA was proud to host a meeting with a group of leaders from Indonesia including the mayor of Jakarta, prominent business executives and others. The goal of the meeting was to serve as an exchange of ideas on ways Indonesia can develop renewable energies and energy efficiency, to meet growing demand.

Indonesia is beginning to embrace sustainability to help address climate change and satisfy the demands of it’s large population; the fourth largest in the world after China, India and the United States. The country is well known for its exporting activities, as it has historically had plenty of natural resources such as forests, oil, gas and coal. But the fossil fuels are becoming increasingly scarce and the already heavily-subsidized prices are quickly slipping out of reach for a large low-income population. The price of electricity for consumers is about 7¢/kWH but the production cost is 12¢/kWH! Therefore Indonesia is searching for alternatives for future development of the energy sector. Numerous test initiatives are being developed such as green building and small-scale hydropower.